Concerned with the negative impact the Luxury Car Tax (LCT) has had on the Historic Car movement in Australia, a group of clubs have formed the Australian Historic Vehicle Interest Group under the direction of our past President, Doug Young.
This page will help our members and visitors to stay up to date with the Group's activities and progress with relevant articles, links and submissions.
Visit again for updates!
Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
Since 1955
Monthly Meetings have resumed (July 2020) and are currently held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the club rooms of the Veteran Car Club of Australia (Qld). Meetings open at 7:30pm but a pre-meeting BYO everything barbecue is typically enjoyed from about 6:30pm. Supper is provided after the meeting.
Events of one form or another - breakfasts, lunches, dinners, mid-week runs, all-nighters,weekend and week-long tours - are held throughout the year, with the cooler winter months preferred for touring. The Annual Concours in June is a favorite and for those who enjoy something different there's always the Virgins Breakfast!
Impromptu Events can be laid on at short notice. Ths is how..
The VCCQ Library is well stocked and expertly catalogued. It's open before and after meetings, with most books available for borrowing at nominal cost.
Newsletter. The Vintage Car is our monthly newsletter, delivered by email and widely regarded as one of the best.
Newsletter Archive. You can now access the archive containing every issue from the very first to recent times by clicking HERE
Our Facebook page carries interesting stuff - mainly pictures - from our club and from other parts of the world. Have a look.
Dating of Vehicles is important in terms of authenticity and a certified dating certificate is mandatory for anyone seeking concessional registration under SIVS, the Queensland Government's Special Interest Vehicle Scheme. Our Dating Officer assists members in this area.
Useful Products & Services. At present we don't have our own directory, but you might like to look at the listings maintained by other Queensland clubs with similar interests:
A Little Background. In 1955 the Vintage Car Club of Queensland was formed by a group of like-minded Brisbane enthusiasts to foster interest in the history, preservation and use of fine vintage cars. There were 17 members at the beginning and these days we number around 100. We're the oldest historic motoring club in Queensland, catering particularly for fine vintage and pre-1960 automobiles.
Classifications. The cars that interest us are classified in line with generally accepted Australia definitions.
Veteran cars: manufactured before 1919.
Vintage cars: manufactured in the period 1919 - 1930 inclusive.
Post-Vintage Thoroughbreds: high quality cars built after 1930 but before 1946.
Post-War Thoroughbreds: High quality motor cars manufactured in the period 1946 - 1960 inclusive.
Membership is open now. We welcome enthusiasts of vintage cars and you don't need to own an appropriate car. Please contact the club's Secretary for further information - just click HERE.
Sending Money? Banking information for members appears in The Vintage Car.
REGULAR EVENTS. The events listed here tend to be those organised by VCCQ members or to which we have been invited.
IMPROMPTU EVENTS. VCCQ has a Private Members Facebook page on which financial members can post their own impromptu events. This is how it works. CLUB MEMBERS ONLY!
Already part of it? Go to the Private Page.
CARS N COFFEE - Coorparoo
1st Saturday + other dates/venues
Take your vintage car along and show it off to hundreds of enthusiasts. This is a permanent VCCQ event listing. Learn more HERE.
OK, indifferent health has forced the neglect of our site of late, but I'm now back in the chair. SO if you have material that you feel deserves publication just email it to me at pjransom@westnet
From time to time our like-minded friends in other clubs/states put on excellent Invitational events.
Red Dust Racers - Lake Perkolilli - Western Australia
This page is always going to be a work in progress. Many pictures will be added over time, so come back again to see what's new.
Brian Carson is a great photographer and an inveterate Facebook poster - if you'd like to see more images try this.
And in 2018? Have a peep...
What about 2019? Look...
Perhaps 2020? Yessir!
Or 2021? Plenty to see
And 2022? Mais oui...
Postal Address
The Secretary
Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
1376 Old Cleveland Rd
Queensland 4152
Inquiries to the Secretary
For a map showing our address, click HERE
Where Are We?
Access to the clubrooms is tricky. Look at the map in Satellite mode and zoom right in. Access is only from Old Cleveland Rd., down the laneway to the right of the church.
Web Site
Matters regarding this web site should be directed HERE . Everything else goes to the other side of the page.
If you remember Steady Barker
Dear Mr Birkigt…
There’s nothing quite so amorous and glamorous for cameras
As your Hispano-Suiza de la France:
None so fabulous, exotic and narcotic, or erotic
(Thus appealing to all rich - and maiden – aunts!).
I could write a bonny sonnet on the bonnet and how long it
Is from driving seat to scintillating stork;
And the engine’s so elastic and fantastically gymnastic,
With a hind-legs-of-a-donkey sort of torque.
Though it speaks with louder voices than Rolls-Royces, yet the noises
Are in keeping with its origins and birth,
And the character it oozes when it chooses to court floozies
Gives it more than pecuniary worth.
Now I used to know a rotter who had got a hot Isotta
And I’ve ridden in a 30/98;
And I’ve run a natty, somewhat tatty old Bugatti
At an altogether alarming rate.
But I’ve yet to find a motor which I’d vote a bigger quota
Of credit for sheer elegance and oomph.
By comparison the modern trash – all plated flash and balderdash –
Is worth a piece of perforated boomph.